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Japanese girls are ugly part 10 Profile of solid face ![]() Profile of plane face ![]() Presence of shapely nose ![]() [Dei;na-wanpi] ![]() It is the miserable knee such as hips none and old women under of cannot constricted of a high-level neck none in the meaning how much woman's characteristic is erased and it shows it to ugliness. ![]() Though it is quite difficult because the outline of the face and the face is emphasized as for the burial of the neck with the muffler etc. excluding the person with a beautiful outlineReference image: ![]() When the flatfish face woman with six particular head and bodies dresses without understandingTo such a result:It is kindergartener's bib. ![]() Woman who bends knee and walks while sprawling forward The movement of the foot does the synchronized as the person who is reflected behind. ![]() The risk of [runogapetanko] pumps. become too becoming like the gal too much like a privileged ..[naino].. monkey of [petanko] pumps ![]() > trench coat belts and A line is formed. Considerably large "Big bag" is a noteworthy item that seems to increase until future > spring. It was this trench coat. To a Japanese woman with a strapping face in a low height though it is not thought that the trench coat is suited. Noteworthy item?Construction that makes a Japanese woman ugly is on purpose embarrassed. ![]() Caucasian's child ![]() Though it is the woman Inn pink, so-called the dress of the pink color it ・・・ Even if you image such feeling # ![]() Because it becomes it so if it dresses to the face deca sigh bowleg # ![]() You should stop it. Pitiful Sith ![]() A mad, Japanese woman "Goodness ♪ in Asia it though not matched the Europe and America people" It is not likely to think. You only have to die. Special [a] [dakejaneendayo] on which Asia [ttenohao] equal former Down's disease [sarutomo] lives. It dies and apology [rokora] in people of the Middle East and inside [a]. Japanese woman's characteristic ・The hand is short. ・The foot is short. ・The facial bone structure is smooth. ・The nose is sideways strapping. ・Eyes are small. ・I want to be loved though it is ugly. A Chinese woman and the South Korea woman have pride in her Asian face. It not is and also poisoning the hesitation at Japanese woman [dakedana] [nan]. The brand is not suited. If it is neither a model figure why it is nor a chiseled face, is fashion & beautician who doesn't suit done though it is the dwarfish Showa era figure? Woman wwwwww in Caucasian comp JapanWith suitable [shiroyo] suitable for it because it is long-bodied plainly short legs of deca head of [dochibi] of the face. The woman is seen when returning home to the later book done as the United States, Britain, France, and Italy and walking in the town and it keeps aghast though it is not understood whether it is [anosa] , complex. Encounter rate [wa] [busaiku] of what [nandako]. The culture shock is received solving. 自分は白人に対してのコンプ レックスはあまり感じないし Only Allais directly feels woman's level though it doesn't feel even if traveling to the locale. When Japan was a country where [busaiku] gathered, I thought it was strong. This difference what. You are such experience [arudaro]. Existence became trivial about the woman who had thought it was lovely till then. It is... Woman's face [gadeke] [-] and hips dripping are [], and [ttene] curved ..[] and the foot... Then, it is not only a beautiful woman though it might be the Middle East people though it might be Caucasian. However, is it anxious about there as whether the self-awareness is strangeness for the woman in Japan has been said many times as the walking and the posture of feeling as necessary to be made to the one that becomes popular even if very my source are sloppy or the expression neatly does neither the hairstyle nor the make-up?Even if it is not a beautiful woman, the woman who thinks it is attractive thinks it is few though it is separately good. Asia is noticeable when [atashi] travels around Europe and America and unpleasant [damono] . of [sugoku]. w thought that Caucasian also thinks more surely than [atashi] About the half of sales of the LVJ group (old Louis Vuitton Japan) is a Japanese woman. A Japanese woman is one year and the third place in the world ..succession to France and the United States... the amount of cosmetics used Even if 10 million is paid, both ..should your offer of the ovum and your sperm.. a Russian and Europe and America Australian people buy it. If it absolutely has the child, it is ..Caucasian.. .. If everyone does so, Japan is [inaru] in a beautiful modern state. It was an absurd hat or that was externals put when the foreigner model or the artist moved though it struck and cargo pants saw a lot of Japanese women who were in traveling abroad in summer. I thought putting on [terundaro] though it was inconsiderate and apologized though I wanted ..tour in a foreign city.. to see in the serious conviction as the hiking wear ..[te].. why. It is a cockroach figure that the [hirabettakute] thickness is not sideways. There is no stereoscopic effect. Though it seems to be good entering to a narrow space. It is [yabasu] that milk doesn't go out of the jaw to previous if it says by the woman. A usual Japanese woman is diminutive, seedy, and short legs. To our regret, it is a reality. Clothes that suit the person of the model figure won't suit a usual Japanese woman. It becomes a thing strange because it tries to put on clothes that suit only the model yet. The root of all evil is to request the standard of the fashion besides me. Then, it fails because my body cannot be chosen even if the thing puts on based on the one that is besides me is chosen. The person who cannot do the basis during the basis of the fashion is large Japan cedar [nawakedesune] though being called oneself by a Japanese woman fashionable. Actually, making to Western clothes was earlier than women men. The woman was persisting in the kimono if it paraphrased it. A woman at that time has understood. The dress : not suiting to a Japanese figure and the appearance type. At present when without even the doubt in cutting the dress, I think that it is an unhappy age before one is aware. It continued too much for 100 years, therefore the decrease in a national sense of beauty was caused. And, a miserable situation in which jeans etc. that made the two points stand out though it was a bowleg and [musaboshiri] were willingly acquired was invented. In addition, it is not though the revolt black ship of the image media came for coming and Japanese woman's ugliness to be exposed in the daylight though cannot have consciousness, and touched because it is already ..sense of beauty.. dead. Why does a Japanese woman : though she laughs at the low degree of the fashion sense of a young woman in Europe?As for the attitude that starts obtaining the highest one within my economic range within the limit of my lifestyle, I do not think the interior to live in about six mat one room though it cannot be bad for right that a soppy remark cracks to the woman in Japan to exist very. ..bringing.. [reba] OK of some brands stinks of poverty as for the said sense. There is no saving way without understanding it. Not a multi passing by of ugly Tokyo though return home from LA to Japan and done after a long time 2ch now. It was actually felt that the hairstyle was terrible though Japanese [onnami] in after a long time because it renewed. It laughs with [maji]. When it is terrible, having thought is a strapping of the head. It is ..[shobokute].. small. eyes additionallyIn addition, the face is sideways strapping. Why does such the United States that left the race as it was plain : after the second World War? When the low degree of this terrific [reveru] of a Japanese woman is seen, the Japanese Islands must be the isolation wards in the world. The truth is the same as the policy of North Korea where nothing is informed to the general public. Should not do the category to another living thing by be a Japanese woman. It is not such a dimension as it is beautiful or is ugly. When man is thoroughly treated, it is impolite to foreigner's girl. If the foreigner becomes a shopping situation usually in the supermarket in the vicinity, it might be actually ..that.. ugly the reality of" " Because of world in the foreign country it and Japan if it is current Japan though mental stability was able to be achieved by pulling a line also with ugliness [busaiku]. The number of those unhappy ..awareness.. increases. A Russian woman seems to see the alien that has strayed off from Japanese [miruto] deformed child or planet X. Height low [i] woman is ..popular.. [rukedona] . in the United States. However, the face is beautiful, and even if it is low, ..balance.. [iikarana] .. It is becomeing thin ..flat [sagadete].. unsightly if the Japanese is plainly ugly and it becomes thin. The sense of beauty is curved from the root, and absolutely though everyone holds out diet by diseased However, it ends when a Japanese woman grows fat after all. Only the face grows fat in the fatty, and the chest and hips ..increasing.. comparatively do not change so much and become square more wild boar figures becoming of unnecessary fat. However, it becomes diligent and it is mistaking the means for the end [moiitoko] . that bending of the foot stands out rather, and becomes bony the figure is reduced. Unreasonableness [nozo] is [ri] in the figure like the model as it wants to become it ..wanting see.. though the face is big in a low height. Necessary temperance, the divided dieting is [naittekotodane] the means is a purpose ..significant... Why does not the girl who comes out in the animated cartoon look like the Japanese? I do not look the girl who comes out in the animated cartoon like the Asian. The westerner. The Asian is not seen. It is like the westerner as for either. I think that the reason for the writing of the cartoon is that that . Is it because it is writing of cartoon? I think that the girl in Japan is uglier. I think that it beautifies it . I think that the girl in Japan is uglier. I think that I beautify it. Hayao miyazaki said that the reason for the Japanese was that my face was hated. (In the interview. )If it wanted to see a true Japanese, it was told to make Tonarino Totoro and Omoide poroporo look. Hayao Miyazaki said that the reason for the Japanese was that my face was hated. (In the interview. )If it wanted to see a true Japanese, My Neighbour Totoro and ..recalling.. [poroporo] were told it to look. The style of the girl in Japan is not good either. Eyes are also thin, and I think that the back is also small. The plastic operation seems to become popular, and too . The style of the girl in Japan is not good either. Eyes are also thin, and I think that the back is also small. The plastic operation seems to become popular, too. It is admitted that the black is social in Europe and America. There is little obstacle in the preferential treatment [saretete] society advancement though there is discrimination, too. The Asia system that doesn't understand whether to think of what is ignorant of the expression of feeling and because the Japanese treats and acts especially by the Japanese and doesn't put [kawareteru] in the circle of local man for feeling to receive the handicapped person, fuck-shit treatment. Well-heeled who becomes it is also low linguistic competence and the same feeling in the target of externals of the crime of the money purpose because it has person kind trivial money nothing but as the dog that is not envied like the black and the Jew, etc. and not suitable even for discrimination in case of not being. do not start talking positively A certain American man's opinion: >Oh well, Japanese girls are ugly compared to Chinese and especially compared to Korean. [N] Japanese woman shall not be uglier than Chinese and the South Korean. >My friends and I have discussed this in length. >Really hot Vietnamese girl ? really hot Japanese > Korean ? Chinese >Average Korean girl >= average Chinese Girl > Japanese > Vietnamese Though it spoke considerably with the friend If it is a beautiful woman ・・・ Vietnamese woman = Japanese woman > South Korean woman = the average of the Chinese woman level : ・・・ A Vietnamese South Korean female >= Chinese woman > Japanese woman > woman. It is likely to reflect and will not be felt be a Japanese woman be strange that be strange the density etc. of the make-up by me at [**] beast level if see from the person in the country where be high the average because be a lot of be considerable plainness and the disgraceful behavior types even if see from the Japanese. The Japanese thinks that only it doesn't notice and no deformed [fechi]. There are comparatively a lot of tidy people of the talent and the model. [Yabai] : comedy ‥. A Korean face with a high face deformed degree is firm plainness, and recognizes [kimoi] and is ..becoming it.. .. However, only the standard fear and low : in what ‥. It is slight [dayonaa;] for the body. Small hips say and flat [musaboshiri] is praised. There are comparatively an infant figure mania and [musabochichi] mania, too. It is a kind of deformed [fechi] [kamona] to assume imperfect feeling to grow to be good. An unpleasant bowleg was seen to say so [kawaii] somewhere. Whether the sense of beauty collapses completely or is [furi-kusufechi] is not understood. Only because it is fashionable of emphasizing a Japanese fault, the done fashion is [na] in Japan. Anyway, it is only a whole body fault of [rukarana] ..will emphasize of a Japanese fault.. , if something is done to put it on as for the dress. The easygoing is the sense of beauty does frighten, poor or is stimulation like the deformity hoped for to potential and is it most worth the fashion to think it is on a roll by it? However, jeans will be strange only in Japan [susomekurigaha] and [tteruno] of a slim fit in the world. In the world though the bootcut is a standard The [hizajou] skirt is also amusing. It is considerably in Japan though no hardly any xxx in the foreign country. Moreover, it is when limiting it to the guy of the bowleg. It terribly becomes sad when ..foreign countries (especially, Europe).. going my figure ugliness. Everyone is a beautiful woman of back high [kute] and girl [kawaiishi]. When the photograph was developed after it returned home, the composite picture. It seems to be correct that the figure of the woman in Japan is global competitiveness "0". It is Japanese women's selfish convictions that the woman in Japan say to Europe and America Caucasian very much "It is popular". Only the object of easy sexual desire processing. Women in Southeast Asia are "[Motemote]. " in the locale in Caucasian's men The American man's reaction to certain two Japanese women's figures: Woman 1: UglyRiceBowl Ttp:// URB01_100205.jpg woman 2: Hiromi Oshima ttp://img.photobucket. Com/albums/v515/bloodylamer/bastardly-photos/0505/album3/hoshima01_100205.jpg (By the way, an official site is HiromiOshima/playmate.htm [kore], and no breast augmentation obviously..). >Tammy >UglyRiceBowl is UGLY! At least she got that part right! Woman 1 is ugly. >Starla >I think UglyRiceBowl is cute. In that innocent-schoolgirl-non-whorish kinda way. But Hiromi… She has my vote. I think that woman 1 is lovely. It is a pure, pure feeling. However, it is one vote in woman 2. >yomama >She looks all skinny and fat at the same time. For you stupid people this means: skinny ass body, fat as face…. She is fat simultaneously with the thin deep water herring. The meaning ・・・ It is a fat face in ..[musaboshiri].. [kishimenbodei;]. Woman 1: UglyRiceBowl ttp:// 0505/album3/URB01_100205. >shakalaka >that uglyricebowl has one fucking gross body and a bloody irritating looking face. >Why do gals like that think they are hot? Must be the PARIS HILTON SYNDROME!! >Hey uglyricebowl, what the fuck is up with the flat ass???!! Girls with such flat ass >should cover themselves up with a burka for humanity sake. Gross shapeless body >like a 7 yr old boy. are you sure you are a woman?? VOMIT VOMIT VOMIT. Face [shiterune] dying unpleasant. woman 1Such a woman is good why and I am good. Woman..think.Is it [parisuhiruton] syndrome?Flat hips of poor [meccha] of [nandaso] : .. woman 1... !It asks for such [musaboshirionna] and hide the whole body even in the burqa, please putting it on. Miserable figure like seven-years old boy who doesn't have seeming woman either. Is it a woman in the truth?[Oe;?e;e;]. >vdaddy >MESO NOT-HORNY!!! I WOULDN'T GIVE YOU $10 FOR SHIT!!! Be worth of payment for ..withering.. 1000 yen. >Capt. Tripps >I think they are both worth $10, but Oshima is so hot, I would tip her an extra 10 spot for her effort in servicing me. I think about both 1000 yen to be worthy. When it is woman 2, you may add 1000 another yen. It became a desire that looked like the resignation be not after all so in this [sure]. It becomes a face misunderstood by almost 100 percent because it is dyed to DQN that goes mad to the one's twenties that can be freely related with the person no matter how it raises it in the groupism ・・・. Especially, [kimoi] of there are a lot of emanating my complex in miserable direction recently and appearing of it to face directly It is possible to think of mongolism = Down's disease like the name that assumes not wanting only my another discrimination of the said translation but also life in an Asian society and was named. It is ..becoming it.. . because it first revolts others to defeat others in an Asian society. The woman might also be faithfully choosing it the make-up and clothes. It is ..convincing.. [kudaro] when thinking so. A mysterious action to paint as a plain face is gay and to make it ..plain bowleg.. stand out also. Japanese woman's ugliness comes to be noticeable by all means when living beyond the sea. A Japanese woman alone doesn't have a physical beauty in the woman in [nandayoano] large face, pig's eyes, short legs, the bowleg, [musaboshiri], and short arm ・・・・ the world. Frankly speaking, a Japanese woman is not a woman. "Goodness ..missing.. ..the woman of [ore].." is helpless in feeling when walking in the town in the foreign country and it becomes empty feelings with a Japanese woman. A Japanese woman should do the effort for smoothing over the outside to improve the inside. Contents appear to the face. Let's have it look good in that to the extent that not given to the frame. Let's encounter and manage to do neither , posture nor a walking alone outwardly. The hopeless emptiness that looks like has appeared and disappeared in the flight back of traveling abroad on a kind of Sunday before it returns to the real life night. Japanese [onnaminiku] passes. Someone, roll sarin. However, only ugliness really : Japan. Not only ugliness surprisingly. The responsibility is [nandayona] ..seem heavier the man side.. when thinking whether become only an ugly, ugly woman like this however about why. I cannot help thinking that the responsibility on the man side is heavy over all in three ugliness layers (The decorated action is/that/that the frame figure is ugly posture operation is ugly nevertheless ugly). It is so. It is sure to be weeded out naturally. .. However, there are no a lot of Japanese punk kid loveliness really. Is it a Down's disease like a blue dragon in the morning? The road where it was not weeded out was chosen, and I think that being able to do nothing but being to choose is northeast Asian if usual though an ugly person is sure to be weeded out naturally. Therefore, when we northeast Asians allow, and are accepting ugliness to some degree ・・・ In the physiology. No do be known whether being able to say that the [minisuka] bowleg is a technique when thinking so to be able to do the instinct. W The first layer and the frame figure of three ugliness layers must be ugly. It can be said that having extended while doing the hunting life in Eurasia where rich nature had extended before the glacial epoch when thinking since primeval days is a mongoloid. Was not an ugly person weeded out at this stage? However, the glacial epoch visits, the catch decreases greatly, and the austerity life will be forced. What isn't it the start the male that demonstrates strength here ugly (adaptive the cold district) of unhappiness? The ugly male acquires a lot of surgical knives, and the child-making. Naturally, the child who was born is also and woman [mon] [wazu].. ugly ・・・ This is a start of the ugliness loop. When having connected with a person of influence's daughter ugly and becoming of the ugly one natural, and leaving of the gene that can allow the ugliness a lot of descendants for the situation situation As for "Plainly = [idatta]", I do not think that I am. It is not felt straight that a northeast Asian today is also ..plain.. ..[ga].. beautiful (However, feelings of ..plain.. [ga] felt yucky seem to be thinner than other races . It is hypothesis of me that such a sensibility is slow in the gene though it might also have the experience). I will think that it took long to some degree time by the time northeast Asian's body is changed into an adaptive cold district. However, has not receptivity to the figure dulled before that? The sudden change of the environment at the glacial epoch gave birth to the situation that decreased sharply earlier than the body change as the living thing like becoming short legs plainly because of it cold the animal of the catch and became not good to eat. To get over the situation of not good to eat tomorrow, a figure commenting was not said. And, a man who was able to take bait in the severe situation is a start of a lot of unhappy ← that was from plainness. Surgical knives of the fee eyes of the age had the sensibility that & to endure male's plainness was able to be endured. Naturally..child..plain..become..the..child..plain..counterplan..repeatedly..go..plain.. already..natural..endurance..slow..sensibility..succeed.Appearance..cold district..adjust..end..plainly. The other party cannot be chosen from a lot of men and women like the present age because it lives in small groups in it and the primitive age. It can do nothing but stick to the average of small groups with plainness if there are a lot of plainness. Room none of selection. Point of what with ugly the first layer and frame figure of three ugliness layers ・There was no bait at the glacial epoch and it was not stuck to by the figure. ・Plainness started from a man (bait hunting post). ・As for the woman, it was advantageous that the receptivity to externals was slow. ・People that it adjusts to the cold district, hands and feet shorten, and the face is plain are the majorities of our ancestor in the course of time. In the problem, it was formed only with the adaptation to environment in the cold district etc. or it shall not really be a point whether there is other elements in Asian's ugliness. Sticking to to beauty is more correct than the race of ..Asian [tteno].. and others and the thin one is more correct. However, isn't there only sticking to in beauty and does even here become ugly?Because Asians are more overwhelming and uglier than the blacks who are human race's stock seeds ・・・ When an American mongoloid is seen, it is not specially ugly so. I think that thinking that the weight of the adaptation to environment is large about northeast Asian's ugliness (pond marsh face etc.) is still natural. Other. I wonder what the Japanese is the the answer without sticking to to beauty to our regret in becoming even of here ugliness if the ugliness selection doesn't work in a word. There must be quite a beautiful woman even in case of being in the center of a city of >. It is only a person in the water system even in case of being. 90 percent is ugly the town usual walking child >. A Japanese woman is certainly ugly ‥. Remark [ttendayo] of [fuza] digit of what. It : to the provinces by being. Because an ugly rate improves up to further about 99.98%. There is only a face of "[**kao]" or "Insect system". All under is a deformity from [de] and the neck. The homo comes to think seriously if not interested in customs. The misunderstanding woman [ttenohaaru] meaning might be hit. As for me, parents are weak or have not lived for three years in Japan at one's teens because there were a lot of overseas transfers. It doesn't limit it to Canada the Japanese has understood there are mentally a lot of immature people also in other spheres in English without male-female relationships though it lived. Is the Japanese coming to study English really?It is often ..mysterious.. ..[rarerukotomo].., and it might be treated like a child by the local. Though there is lacking man and woman limit [razu] and common sense. Because I am Japanese because it is a fact that not is, it becomes sad feelings though is negative. Will it be such why light if it limits it to a Japanese woman? It is so also in Japan. The man in the locale of it is possible to do that doesn't seem to be good is not limited to Canada and, here and there, heard to indulge too much and to be followed also in another country. The immorality and fickleness with a Japanese man who has left her in a Japanese man and Japan of the work away from home of a Japanese woman and the representative who came to the language study going abroad to study excluding the man with low local level are often effective in the country where I had lived before. They : though it is thrown away by them at the end. Such a person who glosses it over is a language study person who is going to study abroad why. A Japanese woman who is going to study to the university and Yuan is not heard. I was not effective though it was thought decision putting [naide] and [ossharereru] person [orareru]. You need not become openhearted so. It is wrong well that the direction as for there is aggressiveness. It has a pain in the ear hearing honesty and such a Japanese unfavorable criticism seal. I do not want to hear it. It is not though it follows because it is a fact. It is doubted whether there is a problem also in a Japanese society that produces a lot of immature adults. Therefore, straight ?. The loan, and for a normal sense Japanese, it is shameful and when it is miserable, thinks such Japanese [mitemo]. It is also true that a Japanese woman of such "Part" is dropping the reputation of Japanese "Whole". The appearance where a Japanese woman attended the dance party in Vienna was telecasted by news at night of the commercial broadcast though it was memorized that it was about spring of last year. Women who have come out are the latter halfs of 30 ages and ..[shiki] [busaiku].. [obahan] ..desire.. parties. Persons in question bubble over though the appearance to dress up with a gay dress that doesn't suit a Japanese figure at all would be "It is creepy". Might already princess feelings of [togi**] in the head. Moreover, it is impudent shameless, that is, hope to the dance party in the practice of the putting scorch blade on the third only the second. The Austrian might have been secretly got indignant , saying that "Our culture is lightly seen". It seems that dance partner's young man also danced while enduring worst feelings. When it was asked by the reporter, "What do you think of the woman in Japan?", it answered expressionlessly so. "It is very painful because the foot is stepped when dancing. " It seems to be sure to be nothing in the other party of [obahan] of * of still ..unskilled [kuso] of dance.. [bu] to dance though it is likely to have been employed by the reward of large amount of money to say nothing of the man but the pain. Some Japanese women are too cruel in Vancouver. The public lavatory Japanese woman who has been treated is seen well a local person. Moreover, the person in question is pleased with Sole. It might be misunderstood that it is a public lavatory , saying that "It is familiar to local". Though it is a mere sexual desire processing tool. After the Canadian man comes out from Japanese woman's room by turns, and it chats outside, [oshikko] has seen scenery of alternation again by being in the room when ejaculating thrusting it in a Japanese woman who is opening her groin as held. I had not thought myself to be shameful. Japanese at this timeBecause I did not want to lose its life for such a woman, I disregarded it though I wanted to kill the woman if it was possible to do. The spectacle society in Japan is inevitable and running is inevitable in Lolita complex. It becomes it so if it thinks about the business. Because it thinks a Japanese woman of Japanese woman's sales (present age) and which type looks good. The skin beautiful, and a portrait silhouette and infant character whose face is smaller than general from general ・・・ All ..these.., Children's Day Japan Women's University (What is the woman though cannot said by her?) is more excellent from an adult Japanese woman. A Japanese woman who grows up equips neither deterioration of the figure (It the face deca making, it makes to stocky, it drips, and it makes it to hips deterioration of making to the bowleg, making to short legs, and the skin) nor adult woman barrel charms nevertheless ([musabochichi], dripping [musaboshiri], and stumpy), and because it comes ..mentally childish... So on the standard scale though everyone. After all..good..woman..intense..lack..Japan..divide.The conclusion: The Japanese must study because the figure is trivial, and work. It is, and it is a woman in ugly Japan. It is your [kaokagami] and a seeing furnace. [Rudaro] like a sore horseshit ..seeing the face... However, international exchange is loved in the habit of the horseshit. Joking w exchange it.. [runa] ! what. Death [ne] !None of Caucasians want to exchange the horseshit. However, a smile is only forced while restraining the anger even of [raga] [kanehara] [ukara] [miniku] of you. Even if you go to study to the United States and Europe with great painsIs the playing [ittsumo] friend South Korean?Is it Chinese?Is it Filipino?Or, is it horseshit Japanese?International exchange is your Asia limitation![Ijan] w [koku] side exchange it.. ..[teiuka].. drinking [Rukarana] . also in the world ..another.. ..pretermission and entire [tteiuno].. ..going unmentioned.. as long as milk is large straight because it is the class of [musabochichi] (country division [ku] of food shortage). a Japanese womanEven the talent is such considerably feeling. It is not likely to go on sequentially. Whether it is first of all ugly or not? ・・・ The bottom raising has advanced considerably in this by the development of the make-up. ([Suppin] is excluded. )Next, the chest seem to be a woman ‥ It has advanced to the level that is the power of the bra and the plastic operation. (present progressive) It keeps aghast only by the person of the bowleg when coming back from China to Japan. Isn't necessarily it exaggerated to drop below eight?Does all Japanese go up and does a straight [shitara] average height of the bowleg go up by about 1.5cm?