Caucasian is beautiful.
Woman in Afghanistan

Anyway, Japanese woman's face is strapping.
Peruvian woman
Do not massage it similarly to Chong. It equips it with an unpleasant gene.
Might not strengthen by grace of the number when increase more than constancy
plainness the logic of plainness. Non-plainness: It must come to feel small
the reversal and no plainness when it comes to about 1:99 like Japan today,
and, perhaps, I do not want must to see when plainness is about 20:80 though
plainness comes to feel small.
Did about hundreds of years pass after wanting to see the swing of the
balance had inclined at "Plainness"?Japan thinks that it is a
gentle country in plainness in the most in the world. The person that the
woman that the foot bends doesn't worry about [hyokohyoko] even if walking
: like the majority.
The mysterious one is active the plastic operation though plainness is
a super-majority in South Korea (Plainness is denied). Japan : to the plastic
operation though it is negative (Plainness has been affirmed). No, is the
mysterious one Japan?
I still thought I was Japanese [te] ..chancy.. though it thought [sure]
to be the worst ..this.. because I ..United States.. went the other day.
・・・ because of extolling Chinese Asian actress Sexy [damonna] first of
When a Japanese woman is the ugliest in [maji] in the world, the foot that
put on 0& short legs jeans becomes the character of O exactly, scenery
in the other side bends ..seeing.. ..the back.., and the pond marsh hair
is strange clothes in [basabasa] and the brand bag when returning from
overseas. how to talk in a half opening always ..the primitive man ..[te]
walking.. entrance..
Even the same oriental far from sexily is more amorous Singapore and a
Chinese woman and women.
Why is the Japanese the lowest in the Asian?I will trace to the comparison
with Caucasian very much if this is not clarified and not apply it. trouble..think.I want to live
crowding beautiful people because you may fail economy. In base (body)
part, it is souvenir of the evil by the mixed blood and the oligotrophy
and the cold ground adjustment that continues long.
The improvement of the base must diet and the reason for own ugliness must
diet even about modern ages blindly because of not understanding poverty
& because it has continued to conceal it the point that not is at the
present period.
Because it complains and dress was changed for the season from [-] and
Japanese clothes to the dress without recognizing ugliness about dressing,
an ugly part has been exposed. The base : like being ugly though the item
As for the action, [ritsu] is done by "Shame" because the action
rule loosened in the name of freedom, the kept fineness is lost, and a
coarse free an ugly woman is sudden increase Canada.
Thus, it became the lowest class also in Asia.
It shall not be only in Japan in the world that the bowleg is awful like
this. Posture is correct and the lowest in the world, too. Japan. Is it
a blind alley of evolution?
For a Japanese woman, the bowleg and X bowleg are excess sleeps. I think
many or more more peculiar. [Kamona] [-] of something [gaaru] that makes
bowleg progressed to peculiar walking to Japanese.
Mystery [nanoga] of another one and Japanese woman's calves are abnormally
fat. The thickness and not suitable of a Japanese calf are more remarkable
than that of China and South Korea even without comparing it with Thailand.
This reason is not hit on.
"[Uge]" of the departure lobby of the Japan mail in an overseas
airport is an image of the Japanese that the said feeling saw from Caucasian.
Isn't does it assume that the shape of the foot becomes plain because the
walking is amusing, and it "There was no disadvantage. " rather
than with the advantage maybe?It was not thought that the woman had beauty
(Though it was not ..reeling actual ,..) an original Japanese must not
say that it was unrelated though became a malformation the foot because
there was [fushi] not requested either.
There is a space between the same feet and feeling might be different and
[gen] cause be different in man's so-called [gani] groin and woman's bowlegs
..the difference...
Massaged furnace like a certain kind of dwarfism. The balance of a Japanese
head and the body is dwarfism. The short of the arm and the leg is also
the same. The leg is ugly in the side effect of dwarfism.
Because longevity is long though starting seeing has the feature of dwarfism
and the Down's disease, the sickness is not division. Does the difference
of the amount of the male hormone and the female hormone do so though appearance
person's of this feature man and woman difference seems to be considerably
It is 20-years old ♀ of plainness. When a yellow gray and a bad place
are enumerated, the short legs [gani] groin, the single flatfish face,
and flesh-colored are limitless. However, it is born in Japan, grows up,
and is happy. Because this [sure] was seen, it was noticed that it was
a sweet idea though it thought so. I want at least to take care about an
action and a clean feeling, etc. though the face is helpless. Ugliness
is put up further in gay suitable and the action the consciousness of an
ugly thing, and it is exposed, and surrounding people put up [naranai]
[youki] unpleasantly. Thank you for noticing.
For years..wonder..oriental..Japanese..calf..abnormal..fat.It is because
of walking the stoop more like the old woman but after it thinks, meat
seedily thinks that they remain attaching putting on the heel usually ..high..
short with walk the Japanese strange (inside of the thigh, short step,
and stoop) in the oriental [nichi] ..short legs.. the person in question
because they can scoop out the chest and hips even if it diets the meat
attaching to the foot of the person with short legs though I lived in Singapore
for years. hands and feet ..only becoming..However, a Japanese girl is
really Ugley.
I thought that cod Japanese people was strange song program [mi] of Asia
in old times. It is exclusive somewhere and cannot express natural feelings.
It was cold, saw in the tension of Osaka people and strange [kadetemo],
and was ..[te].. miserable. As for other Asia, the answer is natural and
the smile or the expression of feeling is natural.
The beauty of the natural world exists to enchant something basically.
Being enchanted is more convenient to live in the enchanted side. (example:
Flower and insect's interrelations)
It is ・・・・・ ..making fun.. ? that relates to the intake of bait why all
living things are common the "Beauty". For instance, redder than
apples that are on brown [ku] [guchagucha] surfaces and being enchanted
to the shining apple are convenient for the living. When the reflection
pattern of the brain is made once by such feeling, it reflects by the same
standard, it is good to enchant opposite sex, and efficiency is good in
the character selection. Therefore, is beauty all living thing commonness?
Is not it, and is it the same as enchanting in the shine of the fruit to
be enchanted though the painting of the car shines? it is not possible
to interpret it by even vestigial of the desire for water be enchanted
to the one ..starlike.. done like the glass
Then, why is it enchanted by Caucasian?Even as for pulling out the detail,
Caucasian is detailed [haaruga] of healthy [soutte]. (Japanese woman's
figure associates the inherited disease. )
It is strange somewhere even in case of seeing or movie [mi] of the drama
of Japan. There is no logic in the action. The idea is originally shallow
and only a common action is unskilled showing. ..making fun.. feelings
that cannot be doneThat a silence without the meaning and the realized
dialog are purposely added common in the place where you may not do anything,
and are long and the feature that exists.
Man adds in fragrant of the bad apple and "Smell" adds the meaning
without permission because it is not separately significant to the smell
to the feeling of the bad apple because of the feeling of a usual apple
smell good smell. Because the rotted apple to say nothing of this is bad
for the body. It will upset one's health eating if the unpleasantness is
not felt in fragrant of the bad apple. In a word, the smell that rots for
man becomes a signature "Do not eat".
Then, is it a signature that feels a Japanese woman ugly that means "Do
not eat"?
Ugliness doesn't come to make it to a day. Is it because ugliness came
to come out luxury [ya;ri]?The first on the list [daro] such as street
former Kiyomi. Though the life is sure to have had to be spent in the room
jail if it is such ..drinking.. [mukashi].
I think that it is a signature "Do not eat" that feels, >"It
is ugly".
However, many people might be convinced there is only an apple that started
rotting almost, "The apple is as such" from the head in Japan
that closes the current state. The competition and it that chooses the
apple with a comparatively light rot are the appearances of Japan while
there is only an apple of starting rot.
The appearance like the inherited disease is "Rot" apple. A stolid
fellow and the fellow who fails to get say and are eating [itte] ..too
good.. the smell however.
Differing the apple and man doesn't have my will by the apple and either
if it hits and [ma] is used, my externals are changed into man to some
extent though anything cannot be dressed.
However, if it knows what is beautiful for that neither or what is ugly,
it is useless. The bowleg woman especially :. There is not a devised wind
either, and when it is a current state where it walks unexpectedly unexpectedly
with the fashionable attire, does it become and does the nature start from
the consciousness of ugliness first of all ..bottom.. to raise the entire
Japanese woman's image the jaw?Though the reader (woman) only has to come
to arrive by can do the ugliness feature with women's magazines.
A Japanese woman is felt and ..ending [derutte].. ..missing.. ..[ta]..
exists without barely falling rather than standing.
The Japanese female figure power and the walking are [naa] because it is
the same as an elderly person in the foreign country in his/her seventies.
There are even a lot of Caucasians of the bowleg in the elderly person.
When the woman in Japan grows fat, it is . ..the end... A face ..originally
moated.. plain is buried and eyes are buried more thinly more and more
plainly thinly. When the first style badness is fat person, the badness
..already.. is not applied. The foreigner sees the sumo wrestling taking
away the Japanese and ..surprise.. [kutte] is consented to the ugliness
though it says.
Will the life be finished you only in women in [majide] Japan?・・・・・‥It
is most that only the beautiful woman who has them strengthen the face
by the power of money even if working hard in Japan is obtained. It is
yet [dagana] of ..Massey.. [kata] . in still Japan. However, where is the
woman even if there is a beautiful woman?Woman [tohananzo] and ?A good
woman, and [hananzo] and ?I want you to often think. A good woman is value
of [rukarakoso] ..'Beautiful woman 'Beautiful person' ='... Even if the
beautiful woman comes previously, it is only beautiful 'Person', exists,
and can become beautiful 'Woman'.
Does the woman in Japan perhaps become without the make-up and in w what
indispensable ..[aipuchi].. Japanese doesn't become [tei] theory ..[naaa]..
recently at the time of might be the ugliest it most in the world ..ugliness..
[itteno]?Are not you clear as anyone can see?
A Japanese woman agrees and the style badness in the Asian agrees. The
woman in Japan …… : to Asian's goodness is in the place where the figure
doesn't collapse even if aging.
The Japanese is the worst in Asia. In a word, it is [rette] most
in the world. Because the woman in Europe and America is more than Asia.
The ao dai of Vietnam and the Chinese dress of China are clothes that Asian's
delicate, thin body suits. Waist without can constricted even if Japanese
puts it on. A poor chest and short legs stand out and only seeing [] fraught.
The dieting boom and Nautilus room prosper on ..Japan.. street, too and
it doesn't change and a lot in the dividing also though how much when it
is [nan]. features bad esthetics it
A Japanese woman after all a lot of in the most in the world ugliness shall
not be [itte] ..badness.. things of the style. It ..such face.. sees even
if walking ..a lot of ^ people... There is [-] that was able to marry well
by such a face ..a lot of people... A Japanese woman to be abnormally sensitive
and rolling up of the yearning to the brand of beauty. They are ugly and
a style bad squids.
It only has to use the useless energy used for the brand worship for the
frame correction. It might be about 20 percent repaired. it is not possible
to cureWhy can the Japanese continue the brand hunting without feeling
it at all even if a yucky Japanese group is seen in an overseas brand-name
retailer?Is not nothing learnt from that spectacle?
From good and walking are good to feeling heavy in one's legs
or the bend of the back and the ..posture foreigner who seems to be sluggish..
usual pin always because of only flat shoes transient only the face and
dieting ghost it time the [kaketete] make-up though the China system is
..ugliness.. more than the Japanese ..[sukasuka].. bend the foot in becomeing
thin too much and sweep the heel ..[te].. always ..ugliness.. a Japanese
not ugly.
I also think so. Even strangeness really : a Japanese walking when seeing
from the foreigner (Europe and America people). Round when the back mesne,
and even like the bum. Therefore, I do not want must to do even posture
alone still.
It cannot know the nature of the guy who protects a Japanese woman though
it calmly writes how much. Your eyes become it very. Does the cockroach
look like the peacock?
The face is the lowest in the world, and the body is lowest in the world.
The character is also the lowest in the world. A Japanese woman is shame
of the earth. The language of Asia is also ugly. By the face that any good
tune is serious even if it has what skill as a singer「[Chogechongekimuchihamusamunida]?[Chongechongemunida]?」Runny
nose [fu] is if sung.
There are a lot of living thing that lives basically under the soil ugliness
because of not working of the character selection on a figure side. The
Japanese of the cold ground adjustment is also the same. However, it cannot
explain the defeat at Chinese and the South Korean only by the cold ground
adjustment. No matter [sure] expands in the so much or how the measures
idea ..discussion [saretenaittekotoha].. works hard almost, it is not possible
to become beautiful a Japanese woman very much. It can do nothing but die
with [maji].
It is exactly a tragedy. Having given birth shall not be a tragedy.
Arab was compelled to put on [hejabu] because the woman was a beautiful
woman. Other men must not cause the [henna] nature seeing the face and
my hands and feet. Even if it is nakedness and it exists if it is a woman
in JapanThe love of ..even [sukebe].. [a] person will not do at all either.
It is bean jam Shin and good sleep w.
Because the Europe and America people clearly says things, wickedness and
malicious are [mona] ..there is of a Japanese degree.. ..
Japanese & South Korean who is fighting is a sense of beauty ..low-level..
and doesn't have the saving way [moteasokurikai] already foolishly and
exposed as the face is desperate ..low-level...
Oriental's skin is ..beautiful [tteno].. fantasy .. ..[suppin].. therefore,
the majority of Caucasian who is there ..the town.. are comparison [terudakedaro]
as for the thick coating of it and the Japanese. The hair is ugly in the
bristle the Asia system. Caucasian's hair is thin and [mechakucha] silk.
oIt seems that it is because the position of leg [nanoha] walk strange,
and short legs and the waist is low. There is a Japanese from it for a
long time below though the waist comes Caucasian below soon about the chest.
Caucasian who swept jeans of the low rise is compared to the Japanese.
The low rise enters the state of half [ketsu] when it is, and this [nichi]
elder sister is not on painful thing [kono] looking at [te] walking of
[yoroyoro] of height of short legs of putting on the heel though curvaceously
put on though flat shoes are swept and being digested by Caucasian though
she shows [ketsu] because it massaged it.
A true airport is worst [dayona]. It comes to want to die.
The knee is always bent like [nodon] farmer's planting rice posture and
"Fellow", etc. , it walks in the "pyokopyoko", and
it becomes more awful the funny one though it wants to become the woman
in Japan and the height of [hakujinnara] and you feel like may exist super-high-heeled
It withered when the Japanese was seen after only the Caucasian black was
seen in Paris. It is ..might such feeling I.. …
Sense of incompatibility feeling [rujan] yucky when Japanese [katawarayaku]
comes out by movie?It withered by such a smilingbroadly tourist looking
..[ruto] Japan Hitomi.. plain why a fat person American or uncouth black
[keimi] though did not think indescribably. It looked plain. I think that
Japanese [mitara] scenery is spoilt in foreign countries momentarily though
he is Japanese.
It is spectacle exactly destruction. I also hold.
No symptom that the sense of beauty begins to become straight. Please endure
probably though it is thought that every day of suffering in the future
The Japanese : in awkward feeling when the Japanese is mutually suitable
in foreign countries. It tries to avoid it. [Arettenandaro]. ..plain same
family dislike.. ..introducing oneself.. [ka] that sees.
It is slight whether that unpleasant sense originates in externals or it
is the cultural one. I think that it is the cultural one as for which though
both might be causes of course. Because even if Chinese and the South Korean
are seen in foreign countries, is it awkward and [naranaidaro]?
Awkward of that might be only Japanese. Certainly..South Korean..Caucasian..inside..divert..see..for
It usually becomes familiar even if coming into sight though Chinese is
hated. Is does it dress up strangely though it is plain and [terukarakanaa;]
though thought?
Does not the fashion of Japan or the hairstyle suit the Japanese?Seeing
in foreign countries is the cough ? floatage [sugitete] and to wither.
It walks with the dice hairstyle or the kimono, and is black hair a cod,
and still Massey?Is it difficult because it is ..[teka].. plain?
That phenomenon probably : rather than the figure. I think that the figure
is not the first cause because it is a phenomenon that can be explained
in the area targeted by social anthropology like the concept of a peculiar
"Irregular society" to Japan or "[Uchi] and [soto]".
Is that unpleasantness a furnace where it was "Fear" in a word?Do
not it look like about feelings when ostracism is feared?
Harajuku should stop a strange heavily clothed fashion. It is
bad and it is yucky in seeing and foreign countries when seeing. Only domestically
if you want to do. The face is defeated at clothes because the face is
sober, only clothes stand out, and it is yucky.
The Japanese is one style world bad [inoni]. The strange [tetsuretsu] [**donburi]
fashion dresses up. The plain clothes fashion of a super-model to do is
imitated in ugliness or more. The short legs woman is kimono putting on
Though the woman from Japan is certainly uglyThe woman from Japan might
be an ugly single-mindedly favor Japan did not receive the invasion of
another country in history. Reluctance pierced GHQ to woman's from Japan
ugliness and a severe occupation was not continued. It is Japanese woman's
ugliness and not an exaggeration even if it says. will support the development
of Japan todayOnly woman's ugliness is Japanese race's strong point.
When a Japanese woman is more mannish, I think that it is Massey for a
moment. (However, slight difference. )The voice is shrill, and . ..the
talk of coming [ya;nkyan].. ..the [kimo].. ..saying... Especially, the
voice becomes high and lisp way to talk in case of the man front. A Japanese
voice stands out considerably in foreign countries. ..Chinese.. how to
talk of , ....loud voice.. capturing alive.. doesn't affect a child lovely
like a Japanese woman.