Japanese girls are ugly part 5
sn't the leg too curved to expose it?

It seems to be sprightly a gal. I want you to pull out the fat of the face
before the hair color is pulled out.
Junior high girl. The foot is already curved. A Japanese woman seems to
bend if it doesn't considerably note it in the earlier age.
Short legs under super-knee. It is [kimo] [chiwarui] like the cutout under
the knee. The worst self-destruction system fashion
Weirdy face trainingA Japanese woman thinks for comedy.
It is honest and . ..not becoming the comparison at all by another living
thing of the kind of.. though thought that it is such feeling as professional
Such boots emphasizes short legs. It is good if it stops it. ..[hen] where
it walks.. [kanji] only under the knee. walk
How what is http://ime.st/www.global-diet.co.jp/yaseta/age/25_aoki.html
"Impression to which the size was downed cannot be forgotten"
this?The hips and stumpy ..[musabochichi].. drip making the stripe stripe
of the leg thinks that it has deteriorated though it tightens of the abdomen
in the certainty in the direction of the thickness. Somehow, I think that
top-heavy has accelerated in a transverse photograph.
The woman in Japan cannot help giving up beauty.
The foot that a strapping face bends, too is truly ugly. The problem of
the favor or the fellow who says is a hypocrite.
A Japanese woman has it, and [busaiku] doesn't want to pass and to have
the child. The cause of the falling birthrate that even the sexual desire
doesn't boil : because of a Japanese woman.
It is [tokoaruyone] of the model with one person pond marsh face in CM
of cosmetics though forgets ..it is a manufacturer where... It thinks of
[kanato] of this commodity desire [shikunaru] and [tsuiru] though it makes
so that the mouth may be opened half and come by [bo] [ttoshita] face because
it sees as sexily and even growing senile.
It is [indaro] that a Japanese woman is amusing ..only no face it... I
also think that there are certainly a lot of being amused the idea and
the fashion. However, it is father, and mother that brought up the Japanese
woman who doesn't think about anything held in derision in foreign countries.
Why was not the child brought up to father mother well more?Even if you
beat only the result disregarding the cause process …. A man (father)
is responsible in being able to do a beautiful tidy gesture neither way
to talk nor the idea, too. What are it thought of dances?
Why is the Japanese held in derision by the foreigner as for Q?
Because it is the ugliest race in the world, the face and the mind are
what. the splash of A it and the JapaneseTherefore, the atomic bomb was
dropped as many as two times. Look at the mirror. Because an ugly yellow
monkey is sure to stare and to apply it
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welcome to "Japanese-Girls-are-Ugly website" . this is the place
for ppl with passion for the UGLY TRUTH about Japanese Girls.

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even though japan is an informationized country, doesn't enter information
about "Foreign countries", and still remained a deep-rooted prejudice
to "foreign culture", japan is isolated from the external world.
the redoubtable brainwash education is performed in the democratized and
the technology advanced country, like in japan! still now!
I want to tell "realities of the brainwash japanese education"
to the world!
the reasons of our japanese woman is ugly, stupid and no consciousness
of japanese girls ugliness, are becouse of japanese brainwash education
and their prejudice of Caucasian and Asian people.
It is brainwashed japanese saying that "Caucasian is fat person",
"Caucasian's aging is early", "Caucasian's skin is dirty",
"Caucasian is smells", and "A Japanese woman is the most
beautiful in Asia".
It is woman who assumed that a childish and who dressed childishness are
called beautiful (It is cute) in Japan.
I am wishing to tell the truth of "the japanese brainwash education
system" to the world!
it seems that japan is a modern democratic nation, and free speech has
been secured.
to talk about plain "Japan criticism" and "Japanese figure"
are to be taboo in japan.
so person who criticis to japan is abused as the traitor or be labeled
as mentally disabled, and then suppressed speech.
A lot of Japanese think that should change japanese society. but, if the
truth is told in the public area, might be speaker who will lose job, be
threatened, or might be killed.
those are reasons why ignorant japanese looks down on an overseas culture,
so, many of them think that japanese live in the highest culture, and foreigner
who is uncomprehend japanese culture is foolish.
If the world learns the japanese truth and essence, japan will receive
the criticism from all over the world, and be disliked.
it is difficult walk, however, if i do not tell the truth of japan, japan
cannot hope for cultural growth, japan will be left from the world, and
walk on the road of self-destruction.
Japan is a country that cannot change if there is no "External pressure".
I want to change into the japan as cultural mature nation.
however, It has a rough going to translate my site into English, French,
and Spanish becouse of my low language ability.
Could you introduce my site to English or French media?
Please help me! I need your help!
I am a person who manage this site which is very famous and popular in
Japan "Japanese girls are ugly ". (6 years history!) http://handicap.scenecritique.com/
But I can not publish my site in Japan by reason of "Anti-Japan"
and "Offend public order and morals" though I want to be my site
being made a book.
Could you help me that puts out my opinionto the world? |