Does a Japanese woman to whom the eye origin doesn't exist the shadow and
either [no-pperi] it the eye make-up of such a type have impossibility
too much and why do not it exist?
Even a Japanese woman passes the combination [daneamarinimo] short legs
of [minisuka] + boots as for the one comparatively not amusing. Clay doll/wild
boar figure must have only [monpe].
When the way to stand is amusing, all are spoiled. When the space of the
thigh comes here, it is a part of the bowleg.

One example of fashionable Japanese woman.
It is showing a purposely ugly knee and bowleg.
This is Caucasian's beauty. All Japanese women should die.
The hairstyle that suits the party.
After all, the luxury is a hairstyle of fit > in the person of wanting
it though I do not want to do > improvement.
..deca.. ..saying.. [kao] did not think that it suited for ..drinking..
breadth of its shoulders that [-] [pperishite] cheekbone had put the party.
The princess girlie ・・・ Gorgeousness : ・・・ orz ・・・ You should not decorate

Posture that tend to be often where it walks

This is deviation value 50 of Caucasian.
All Caucasians are Hollywood stars if it dresses up.
Webshots can see a large amount of candid photographs of the foreigner.
General person's mean level is understood well.
Maybe, they shall not be high school girls. There is even no value such
as high school girls in Japan one snot gram's worth.
Table manners might not consist as a culture and Asia where it takes 500
years be uglier than Europe and America in short eye for the beautiful
to beauty though [nishi] Hiroshi ..a far situation it.. makes from barbarous
to the civilization until hanging like it. correct of the body inferior
The Japanese does the fashion in the state of the trader's saying without
the relation as it is thrown easily into the fashion of the magazine because
confirmation of identity is insufficient and it suits me. No charm [seteruka]
very, and I can able to adhere to the law and the flow in the group and
am evaluated fashionably the Japanese.
The yellow person woman was disliked to our regret by the god or fat doesn't
place easily to the chest and hips of the place who seems to be the woman.
Instead, fat seems to place easily to the belly, the cheek, the face, and
the eyelid.
It is a race from whom fat who seems to be the woman doesn't place to the
point who seems to be the woman.
Fat in the cheek goes out, and it becomes thin and the belly has gone out
to the [ibun] wrinkle is easy to adhere.. in the round face the [temo]
face though the worrier is few.
Shoes of thickness bottom had become popular for a certain period of time.
The impression of on a roll is in fact w in stilts that was not able to
be wiped though it succeeded in raising the waist position certainly.
The foot is short, and high-heeled shoes is [monodaro] in a short, fat
knee [shitaga] Japanese like the saviour. However, it is impossible if
the muscle around the waist circumference and the thigh is not steady to
walk beautifully with high-heeled shoes. Because the walking is [hen],
even [petanko] shoes roughly :. A Japanese woman who wants to show her
foot to be long doesn't manage to coexist easily because it is crazy about
thinning the foot (Poor shape is promoted as a result).
Only "The face doesn't make an effort" draws out inside beauty
though it is bad for a Japanese woman. The parents' generations are in
the physique the stability and are still better than one's twenties today
in one's teens when saying by posture and the physique. The grain of the
skin or such a story : in pulling out. It is abnormal evolution [moii]
and [kodayona] . now. In the deformed physlcally handicapped insect straight
line and the [tte] feeling. I think that their being doing aims at ruin
as the living thing rather than fashionable.
It is said that goblin [te] remark will crack to Asian's thing Gremlins
in Europe and America because externals are simply ugly and is a point.
Woman Gros passing of Japan. You see man and distinction hilt [shi]Additionally,
it is a fool and stupidity + lazy person. So that , Japan encounters and
is and dies and only has to change [-] into the pinktoes in all women ‥
each other [-] is done when about guying it, the meat toilet is killed,
and the food excrement.
Beauty is an evaluation to the reality and Caucasian. [chejiu] ..face..
pass the South Korea femaleA popular [idaro] is.. Japanese woman must
earn a little and put Japan to use even to South Korea woman > Japanese
maid country woman > Japanese woman Asia with [kanehara] [udake]. Isn't
the woman celebrity in Japan shameful to there is popularly a man celebrity
in Japan not is popularly..?
A man can take notice only in dirty living thing [mohaya] [**] defeated
at the prostitution woman in Chinese South Korea that can do nothing but
live as a meat toilet for a valueless Japanese woman.
It is ・・・.
Even an attractive plain face is ..few.. [imonona] .. There are too a lot
omission respects and a pig face and a pond marsh faces to be sulky while
it was
tepid. There is one person and it is ..[naiyona].. straight in ten people.
Is it women's magazines and isn't there "Down of the escape face make-
up feature" in a simple doubt?Though it is thought it is terrible
There is no down face measures [sure] in veneer [miru] limit is..
・・・ [Kamona] of [tenai] ..can the consciousness of the down face...
It characterizes and "Decrease in the tension of the muscles"
[ttenogaaru] of the Down's disease. The walking woman must not look
sloppy by pulling out the exaggeration like the patient with Down's
syndrome. The Asian sleeps because it is still weak on weak [i]
muscular because it is even free as for the woman.
By the way, the alias of the Down's disease is [mongorian] white pheasant
syndrome Orz.
Might not be the most certain in woman's looks carelessness of be a Japanese
man in
the world. Population [motto] might be sure to have decreased if it is
not so. There
is popularly [chibitarento] of the bowleg as of now.
There is no plastic operation to make it to the feature seen well by
the east Asian though there are a lot of plastic operations to make
it to the feature seen well by Caucasian.
When the east Asian incises my head of the eye, does doubly or wings of
nose nose are
narrowed, Caucasian is formed to the model though it models on the east
Asian when
Caucasian planes a too high nose and its too big jaw and it doesn't form
Japan hardly includes the sculpture of the woman etc.WhyThe figure
sleeps in fact. (Only in the clay doll, the one ..exception..
enchantment is [oke]. )
Because it is true that a Japanese woman is not given to the figure that
cannot be movedYou should think how to conceal, to dress, and to act basing
it. Remaining is [yabai] to be today.
There are plainly a lot of unpleasant face [surutte] patterns in
Caucasian and the black in the Japanese restaurant a Japanese clerk
when love it is ..the desire.. and Japanese of [noni] are the guests.
Conversation of foreigner's real intention base
Why do some Japanese girls have such fat roundy pig faces?
Half..Japanese..woman..round..fat hog..face..why..introduce oneself.
uuuhhh,i'm from germany and i think the majorety of the people are
so ugly....
Well ・・・ Most Japanese is cruel and ugly in my German person ・・・.
The japanese girls are the most beautiful girls in the world Nobodys perfect
. A
Japanese woman is the most beautiful in the world. Furnace that calms down
perfection everyone.
(I hasten to inform you)Fellows Calling them ugly...if you can say that
so quickly than
you are an ugly person . to whom ..ugliness.. [itte] says a Japanese woman
・・・ The
[itteiu] fellow is ..ugliness.. ugly.
In my opinion, Japanese girls are the uglist in east asia. But they are
A Japanese woman is the ugliest in east Asia in my desire. However, they
safe sex is all good... anyone been to japan? most japanese girls are ugly,
but they do have HOTNESS its hot or not!
Safe sex is important ‥ Did someone go to Japan and do it exist?Is most
women ugly, and, however, is it good ..any [yare] [reba]..?
・・・ And not all Japenese girls are ugly........when they are half american
they are realy hot .
.. . because of all Japanese women not ugly If it is a half with the American,
it becomes a
good woman.
>It is so obviously true that the bow-legs are the trademark of
>the Japanese girls on top of having short limbs. That's why they
>wear their skirts excessively short to make their legs look long,
>which is actually an optical illusion.
The bowleg is [majide] trademark of short legs champ and a
Japanese woman... Therefore, to show the foot to be long, a confused
skirt is shortened. Aiming at the mistake
The putting on digestion of local people woman's boots went out to an American
southern part to go sightseeing around Texas at the end of last year or
was natural
and was summer. Ruggedness..make clear..slenderly..expand..long..leg..thigh
good..suit.It has confidence in me above all and, and it is ..parentheses..
sees, and feelings are good. the appearance to walk dashingly
The Japanese woman's miniskirt + thigh boot + [unko] color dye one's hair
was seen after it
returned home, and it overcame by a feeling of sickness the joke pulling
out. Make-up of
indiscriminate imitation of boots and "Length" pinktoes for short
leg of miniskirt that
exposes clothes that emphasize poor body like child and short leg and short
leg. An
indescribably painful intoxicated abandon though it might be [rutsumori].
[kime] beautiful
the person in questionThe pitiful appearance has been mistaken as if the
wild boar was doing
white deer's [monomane]. Additionally, surroundings worry and man's glance
worries with
[kyorokyoro] looking about.
It asks and stop it, please.
I want to see none of shabby bodies of it of you. I want you to
notice an ugly appearance such as be on a roll as soon as possible.
Yellow race is the one like the deep-sea fish that adjusts to a
special environment. Therefore, it is plain. The Japanese woman said
that the fashion and the make-up, etc. are terrible must work on the
bowleg improvement and the posture improvement of no understanding.
There must be only two point point that can be said that the Japanese
is good in the figure. Fine of tenderness and skin. It becomes the
pond marsh or a stupe side, and if tenderness makes a mistake probably
by one step though lustful.
Besides, I think making for the tiptoe from a plain element the head ahead.
Hair..scary..head..shape..collapse..eye..collapse..eyebrow..thin..eyelash.. out..jaw..shoulder..
sloping shoulders..upper-body..long-bodied..waist..position..low..hips.. pepper..awkward shape..short
After all, to become ugly to become ugly, has the east Asian evolved?I
think that there is a tendency that ugliness strengthens by standing out
like the tanned face that became famous in Japan also in foreign
A Japanese woman for the time being should stop and polish the inside
the polish only of the face of the clever-handed. The beautiful woman
doesn't have the one ugly as ugly that burns the sense of rivalry.
The face in the make-up and clothes is [wakattennokane] of ..change.. [ranai].
only has to do even with a stripe tray before one hour is put on the make-up
though it becomes Massey a little if it at least strengthens the body.
When ugliness in [gyaku] ..the beautiful woman it.. even if what kind
of dirty clothes are worn dresses up, more and more ugliness looks
ugly an emphasized sleep brand even the mind when expecting wearing
in ugliness the beautiful woman.
In the upscale brand name such as Louis Vuitton, 40 percent of sales
indeed is a Japanese woman. The realities seem to exceed 40 percent
the expedition to Paris and beginning the purchase of a Japanese
woman moreover.
Desire that woman of material of the world lowest level sticks to upscale
name. It is man.
A Chinese woman and the South Korea woman have pride in her Asian face.
It not is and also poisoning the hesitation at Japanese woman [dakedana]
[nan]. The brand is not suited. If it is neither a model figure why it
is nor a chiseled face, is fashion & beautician who doesn't suit done
though it is the dwarfish Showa era figure?
Woman wwwwww in Caucasian comp JapanWith suitable [shiroyo] suitable
for it because it is long-bodied plainly short legs of deca head of
[dochibi] of the face
The waist position lowers because the knee is always curved when
walking and a Japanese woman is seen short legs further. 5cm is seen
short legs from the Caucasian woman of the length of the same leg to
the sense.
It is idol glory like the gigantization infant now though about the 1965
year was not an infant intention to a Japanese sense of beauty why.
The thing of unpleasant memories to travel abroad that the Japanese relates
is more abundant.
When having gone to Australia, I had expected that Japanese [jijii;-] that
had come
previously would lick from top to bottom when I entered the restaurant
with short bread, T-
shirt, and sandals. A surrounding orgy was suitable though it had gone
there resort it and
lightly dressed ..looking like me... I thought that the Japanese was unpleasant
in a
terrible attitude with [maji] in the compatriot though nothing was thought
Caucasian. By the
way, the [jijii;-] was an upstart fellow.
It was learnt to say whether it was London, Paris, and it turned or
the Japanese was [dasai] this time though the Japanese had thought me
to be able to have the hurried fashion sense, too up to now. The
Japanese in foreign countries is too uncouth as not saying.
Especially, woman. It was a Japanese mostly woman that it was
abnormally short somehow, multiplied the pochette in the cord, and
did the fashion strangely. From what country will such an uncouth
woman be springing on earth my surroundings though she doesn't see so
often?It gives it without going to foreign countries too uncouth
because it asks and suitable. ..uncouth.. woman. The evaluation of
the Japanese only falls.
100 meters are understood that an abnormal silhouette and even being
possible to become it a Japanese woman in case of foreign countries.
Though it is thought that it is abnormal that Kane can earn it by Japanese
[kyaba]'s figure. I think that talking about special circumstances of
island nation plain large country Japan eloquently is [kyaba].
That space must not come to want to go out at five seconds certainly.
Perhaps, to my face「What?Am I [kanehara] [uno]?」That it is not likely
to write. Because it is actually popular because [de] and [acchi] are
business by the private life and doesn't talk to a man so, it is
trivial more and more.
Because the fantasy world collapses to satiety when a Japanese
tourist is seen in foreign countries.
When the Japanese comes out in RPG, it is ..spoiling..
Hands and feet are short and the worst in not becoming the joke and
the duck-butt because of the strapping the face. super-[busaiku] of
JapanThe foreigner can still be seen because it is moated even if it
is ugly.